The 7 Key Benefits for Choosing Us :
( 1 ) Advancing your Career Path…
The 7 Key Benefits for Choosing Us :
( 2 ) Developing your Experience through Challenges and Complex Projects…
The 7 Key Benefits for Choosing Us
( 3 ) Developing your Competencies…
The 7 Key Benefits for Choosing Us
( 4 ) Coaching by Local and International Highly Experienced People in their Fields…
The 7 Key Benefits for Choosing Us
( 5 ) Offering Competitive Compensation, Benefits, and Programs…
The 7 Key Benefits for Choosing Us
( 6 ) Working with Diversity and Friendly Team Culture…
The 7 Key Benefits for Choosing Us
( 7 ) Having a Positive Impact on our Communities …
Our recruitment process reflects our commitment to all applicants. Our recruitment team will keep in touch with you throughout your recruitment process. Our recruitment process is divided into five main phases:
Our latest vacant positions are posted on our Job Opportunities page, Job Portals, and Social Media pages. You can apply online through any of these channels.
We encourage you to apply for vacancies that match with your experience, qualifications, and competencies to ensure an effective process.
You can also submit a General Application. General Applications will take 3-4 weeks to be reviewed and processed by the recruitment team. This will be based upon the suitability of your application with our Job Opportunities.
The recruitment team reviews and screens all applications based on NACECS's requirements for the vacant position (i.e., experience, qualifications, and competencies). All applicants who are meeting the requirements of the vacant positions will be contacted for short-listing. All applicants who are not meeting the requirements of the vacant positions will receive an apology letter. Their applications will be kept in our database, and they will be contacted once a suitable opportunity arises.
The Recruitment team closely coordinates with shortlisted candidates for conducting interviews and tests.
Our Interviews focus on your general background, experience, qualifications, behavioral and technical competencies.
Our tests are used to know selected based on the requirements of the vacant positions to know more about the candidates’ capabilities.
All candidates will be briefed ahead of time of the location, time, interviewer(s) name(s), and type(s) of interview(s) and test(s) that will take place.
Based on the conducted Interview(s) and test(s), the interview panel will shortlist candidates who most suite the vacant positions.
For candidates who have been short-listed to work on client projects, additional interviewing and short-listing might be required by our clients.
The Recruitment team will receive the shortlisted candidates and prepare accordingly the employment offers with the candidates from the top of the list.
For candidates who have been selected to work on client projects, employment offers might be required to be signed by our clients.